goebl builds.
goebl has plans.
goebl aspires.
goebl lives architecture.
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goebl is here.
Students Visit the Kaiserloft
As part of the “Theory matters if…” seminar led by Florian Medicus, University of Applied Arts students from the classes of Kazuyo Sejima (SANAA), Greg Lynn (Greg Lynn Form), and Hani Rashid (Asymptote) visited our offices.
Lukas Göbl (göbl architektur), Max Eisenköck (Maximilian Eisenköck Architecture), Josef Saller (heri & salli), Johannes Mücke (Wide Shot Entertainment), and Matias del Campo (SPAN) gave short lectures to introduce themselves and their work. This wide range of perspectives and projects painted a diverse picture of architectural work. To round off the event, wines from the Winzerhof Dockner Winery, matured in barrels stored in one of our recently completed projects, helped spark discussion about the topics presented.
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göbl architektur ist ORTE-Mitglied des Monats
Jeden Monat steht bei ORTE ein anderes Mitglied im Zentrum; im April ist es Lukas Göbl.
“Es ist mir ein Anliegen, Menschen dabei zu unterstützen, sich gleichzeitig frei und verbunden zu fühlen. In diesem Spannungsfeld findet Leben statt- es prägt unser Sein, unser Zusammenleben und deshalb auch unsere Räume. Ich möchte Plätze, Häuser und Räume schaffen, die diesem dialektischen Grundbedürfnis Folge leisten. Wenn mir das gelingt, kann ich dazu beitragen, dass menschliche Potenzialentfaltung möglich ist.” – Lukas Göbl
Das vollständige Interview mit Lukas Göbl gibt es hier.
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Visiting Critic at the University of Applied Arts
Lukas Göbl was invited to the University of Applied Arts to be a jury member, or “visiting critic”, and discuss student semester projects in the Department of Structural Design. In the Advanced Structural Design course — taught by Klaus Bollinger, Andrej Gheorghe, and Florian Medicus — students were tasked with analyzing well-known buildings by architects such as Snoehetta, Renzo Piano, Stefano Boeri, and Jean Nouvel in order to understand each building’s strengths and weaknesses, and above all to explore the interplay of architecture and bearing structure. In a subsequent step, students developed concepts and ideas to structurally improve buildings, resulting in extraordinary and surprising results. In many cases, the student projects were quite refined and garnered the jury’s approval.
The Dockner Winery is Open
The Dockner family opened their new winery, called the “Joe Celler”, with an impressive celebration that included more than 500 guests and this year’s new batch of wine. Guests were welcomed with cocktails and appetizers to the “old” wine center, completed by göbl architecture six years ago. The main program then took place in the wine pressing house and in the show cellar, the golden heart of the new facility. Festive speeches, a review of the building’s development, live music, a wine tasting, and a buffet with numerous delicacies filled the memorable evening to the brim.
Photocredit: Robert Herbst
weiterlesen »“haus der volksgruppen” takes shape
Last summer, demolition work began on a former boarding school to create space for the new ‘Haus der Volksgruppen’ in Oberwart. Construction work is progressing well and the building should be completed by mid-2026 so that it can be used as a unique place of cultural diversity and encounters in Südburgenland.
As a partner of the HVB general planning consortium, we are delighted to be able to co-design, plan and supervise this extraordinary project together with Miyako Nairz Architects I MNAZT KG, bau&architektur ges.m.b.h. and Lechner + Partner GmbH on behalf of LIB Landesimmobilien – GmbH.
Fotocredits: LIB Landesimmobilien – GmbH